Tuesday, February 9, 2010

"Judy Moody Gets Famous!" by Megan McDonald

This is a cute fiction novel about a girl named Judy Moody who wants to do something that will make her famous. All of her friends have been in the newspaper or are "famous" for something and she feels as though she is the only one who has not done anything outrageous. After failing at several attempts to expose herself to the newspaper she meets a girl at the hospital. This girl had a heart transplant and spends many hours of her days in the hospital's playroom playing with broken toys. Judy doesn't think this is right so she takes the broken dolls home and fixes them up. After mailing a box back to the hospital without a return address she sees an article in the newspaper about the "Phantom Doll Doctor". In the end Judy is so excited to be famous and she's proud that no one even knows who fixed the toys. I think this is a great story because many children believe that there is nothing "special" about them. They see unique things that their friends do and never realize the extras they do in their own life. Although this book is geared more for girls, the message applies to both genders. I liked that throughout the book there were a few sketches of the characters in the scenes that were being described. Another really useful thing in this book is the character map at the beginning. This is great because a problem that many young readers have is keeping several characters straight. This way if they get confused they are able to flip back to the beginning and figure out who is who! Overall a funny story with a great message!

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